Saturday, August 2, 2008

the decent of western thought

How did we get into this post-modern predicament? (Gleaned from the work of Francis Schaeffer)

desire for control & need for irrational leaps

Starting with and sticking with oneself creates an illusion of control but ends in despair. To escape the logical consequences of this course, one is compelled to make irrational leaps to get above the "line of despair" such as falling in love, taking on a cause, or similar acts in the hope of securing meaning and purpose for one's life.

Unfortunately, these leaps of faith cannot be sustained and one falls back into despair. It is not possible to escape this cycle of despair apart from outside intervention.

While this has always been the human condition, it is now reinforced by post-modern worldviews. So, it's now common place for those who embrace worldviews such as secular humanism and naturalism to engage in irrational leaps of faith to escape the logical consequence of their post-modern worldview - despair.

To keep from falling back into despair, one must refrain from reflecting or thinking too deeply about the inconsistency of each leap. An avoidance mechanism that is often employed is to setup an endless stream of distractions.

Lasting hope is not an option within such a closed system that precludes assistance outside ourselves.